Professional Coaching

At FiveWays we know that our clients value expert, impartial financial advice. We also know that many experience the typical ups and downs, twists and turns that life entails.

Any transition such as retirement can throw up a lot of questions such as: What are my aims/direction? What will be my new responsibilities? How will I feel when I retire? What are my options during retirement? And how to I plan my retirement future?

We have partnered with professional coach, Jim Constable, to help enable our clients find answers to these questions and make plans - whatever transition they are going through - retirement a business sale or moving house.

Areas of planning Jim will cover:

What will be your new aims and direction?

Just about anyone can find themselves struggling to find direction in life. From those who have never found a compelling purpose to others who have achieved their primary goals and dreams but now struggle to see a clear path ahead.

With many years of working both with businesses and individuals - through listening and asking the right questions - Jim will help you to identify those things that are most important to you, which can help to clarify current goals, some short term, others over a longer period of time. The transition of moving to and through retirement can feel liberating but, as with any change, potentially daunting too.

"We have found meeting with Jim very useful. Having a friendly outside presence listening to us and helping us focus on what we are doing, reflecting back on what we see as our choices and helping us plan our next steps is very helpful."

What new responsibilities will you have and to whom?

Whether you are retiring suddenly or over a period of time, roles and responsibilities can change. You may no longer feel you have the same work pressures, role of financial provider, responsibility towards the welfare of staff or even looking after your children, but you may begin to feel responsible for other people or things.

You may have more time, but perhaps you are unsure about how you are going to use it. Helping you to explore what is possible, what is preferable, what are your options – these are all areas in which Jim has great expertise and knowledge. There are, without doubt, advantages of having a conversation with someone independent, with a proven track record of achieving tangible benefits.

"It is about: 'Okay this is where you are now, what limits you going ahead? How can you use what you already know both to create and develop a realistic future? What do you need to do next?'"

How will you feel and how will you deal with those feelings?

Many of us know that talking things through is helpful. Whatever feelings you have – anxiety, exhilaration, nervousness, fear, anticipation – discussing these with a coach, alongside some planning, can help to address any doubts and create a positive way forward.

This can be valuable if you are single, but also if you are a couple who would benefit from discussing how retirement affects each of you individually as well as within your partnership.

"The sessions made us get out in the open certain key issues reference our family, my business and my plan for retirement."

What next?

Whether you are approaching or already in retirement, this is a point at which you could consider some adjustments to ensure your future is as happy and fulfilling as it can be. Working with Jim will help you move forward with clarity and confidence about what you want from all aspects of life.

This could be a detailed plan or just a sense of direction. The stage of the coaching conversation when we ask “so what?” helps to crystallise thinking into specific actions.

"There was no pressure, just encouragement. No financial advice, just personal advice. Jim was easy to be in the company of, not forceful but helpful."

Are you interested in receiving professional coaching?

Our pilot over the past several months has shown that this service has been highly valued by our customers. If you would like to know more please speak to your adviser.