Feeling self-determined and psychological wellbeing
Self-Determination Theory is about motivation. But it’s also about psychological health and wellbeing.
Primarily researched and developed by Deci and Ryan* the theory includes three basic psychological needs. These require satisfying in order to foster wellbeing and health. They are needs that, if fulfilled, allow optimal functioning and growth.
The 3 basic psychological needs
The need to experience a feeling of improved mastery over something, like a skill or a task. Learning something new is an example. Something like unexpected positive feedback would increase this feeling.
The desire to be the agent of one's own life. Not independent of others but a feeling of freedom to choose based on one’s own will - and not being told what to do.
The desire to interact with, be connected to, and experience caring for others and being cared for. Also the feeling of relating to or being a part of something - e.g. a group or a wider network.
How can we satisfy these needs?
We can all support the fulfilment of these needs, in ourselves and others, through some simple strategies:
These are straightforward strategies which can be very effective for some. For example focusing on what we can control in the financial and health aspects of our lives - and focusing less on the things we can’t control - is generally helpful.
The encouragement or support of others - in order to do these things and to think in these ways - can be invaluable in making them habitual.
And all this for a greater sense of psychological health and wellbeing.
* 'Why We Do What We Do' is written by Edward Deci and Richard Flaste and is subtitled Understanding Self-Motivation
Pictured Below: 'Everyday Performance' by Jim Constable and Barry Wyatt – "an entertaining, informative and easy read on how to perform better at what you do!"