What to know about ISAsThe Spring budget on 6 March was a bit of a non-event for many clients.There was an important cut in Class 1 national insurance contributions from 10 to 8 per cent for those who are employees. High earners with children were given a boost, thanks to changes that were introduced to

What to know about ISAs

If you own property that goes up in value it may be subject to capital gains tax when you sell it. However, your main residence where you live is exempt. Good news for many homeowners!But imagine if you were taxed on other gains in your life. You may have gained in many ways:Gaining in friendships

Gains are gains

We go through many transitions in our lives, in different circumstances. Here are some thoughts on transitions…Imposed or initiated by youThis can make a big difference. The imposed ones usually take more getting your head around. The Kübler-Ross stages of change model – originally developed for understanding and dealing with loss and grief – helps

Tricky transitions

The New York Times once ran an article headed This Hectic Pace of Modern Life… They ran it in 1931. Hmmm. So what?Anecdotally, some people can find this perceived increase in pace to be stressful. How do you cope with this anxiety?There are many potential solutions, depending on things like your position and your personality.

The Pace of Modern Life